Corso Sempione 28, Gallarate (VA) - Italy

Tel 0331 776622




Milestone Contract is a family-run business of design and realization of high-quality interior, founded in the Seventies and directed from the Eighties till today by Francesco Torcisi, whose business network operates in the contract sector and was born from a spin-off of artisan companies.
A company made up of workers specialized in various sectors of intervention, able to achieve a perfect combination of modernity and tradition, research and Italian craftmanship in his highest expressions, reworking in a contemporary key, with great attention to detail, new living styles for an international clientele with sophisticated taste, with a careful predisposition to personalization.
During this long period Milestone Contract has drawn on its extensive experience in the field of project implementation. Since 2013 it has been involved in the creative projects of major architects and designers in the context of internationally renowned events, starting from the creation of the installation Naturescape by Kengo Kuma for the Urban Stories project by Mosca Partners in Porta Nuova area in Milan.
The realization of exclusive and important design installations has been carried out over the years and is going on, often challenges that only a company with such know-out can satisfy.

CONTINUUM – mist-o

Palazzo Litta, Milan
Fuorisalone 2016


Realization of the installation for the event A Matter of Perception: Tradition & Technology
organized by Mosca Partners at Palazzo Litta, Milano, Fuorisalone 2016.

Photo © Alberto Strada